Update: February 16. 2024
Members of the Matt Cook Foundation board and our incredible partners including Christopher Filipowicz and Adrienne Sitko from Start Architecture were invited to the Cross Cancer Institute to see the progress of the room renovations. We were all reduced to one word. Wow!
Just wow.
It takes more than commitment to make this possible. It takes compassion. It takes passion. And it takes love. Heaven knows we’ve seen all of these feelings and emotions as we looked around the room and imagined.
Here’s a wow moment. The ceiling above the bed will feature the solar system of lights. A laser will be used to help guide the cutting of our galaxy. And at a push of a button, you will see the milky way and thousands of stars. Yes, we are being serious. This is happening.
From a Murphy Bed that drops from the wall to a massive television to comfortable seating and other amenities to make this place feel more like home, we have really tried to think of everything. And the Alberta Health Services team and the incredible group from Delnor Construction Managers have simply outdone themselves.
It should be noted that we did not do this. You did. Your incredible generosity to the Matt Cook Foundation—those donations big and small, have found their way into the walls and ceilings and floors of the Cross, for future patients and families. Together we are creating something special. Thank you.

Update: November 30. 2023
You know Matt Cook. A young man who crammed a lot of inspiration, determination and grit into his short life. What you might not know is how many times Matt called the Cross Cancer Institute home. And you might not know that hospital rooms are less than hospitable for visitors and families of cancer patients.
Well, we wanted to change that. That’s why the Matt Cook Foundation spent years researching and exploring the idea of creating an oasis of a room for young cancer patients and their families at the Cross. From the addition of a murphy bed so families can stay overnight, to a constellation of stars ceiling so patients can relax and reflect, to a large screen entertainment centre to help pass the time, we tried to think of everything a young person might need to stay connected and find peace.
And now it is happening!
The Matt Cook Foundation, in partnership with the exceptional team at Alberta Health Services, is so excited to announce that room 3141 of the Cross Cancer Institute is horded up, the room has been gutted, and this one-of-a-kind room is being created with everything we’ve dreamed up, and more. The room is expected to be completed by March 2024. If you’d like to contribute to this incredible initiative you can Donate Now here.
We’ll keep you up to speed on the progress. Here is current view of the room and illustrations of what the final product will look like.

Thank you all. Without you this project cannot happen. An incredible room to support incredible young people and their families.